From here, you can see the old jail. The original jail capacity was 140 inmates. The cells are similar to those at Alcatraz Island in San Francisco, which was built around the same time. In 1971, a new jail facility was opened a few miles west of town, and this one was closed. Here, you can see examples of the architectural elements used throughout the courthouse and the use of asymmetry. The architect added grace and intrigue to the building by using four different roof lines and many types of windows, spaced irregularly. The square tower you see behind the roofs was designed for solitary confinement and it contains two cells.
The sheriff's offices were on the first floor. The second floor was an apartment for the head jailer and his family, with a kitchen and staff area. Now, county offices for the General Services department are located here. The third floor housed women, the fourth floor housed men, and the fifth floor was used for exercise.